My Imaginary Talk Show

How to Fight Chemo Brain

Do you know about chemo brain? If you’ve ever had chemo you probably do (although you may not be able to find the words to describe it). In fact, you may not be able to find words for much of anything! Therein lies part of the problem.

What is Chemo Brain?

I’ve read all sorts of official medical-type descriptions of chemo brain, but, basically, it feels a lot like losing your ever-loving mind and being helpless to stop it! I remember trying to tell my oncologist something and being completely unable to string together a cohesive sentence. I jokingly told him, “Me no have words.”

Unfortunately, that joke wasn’t much of an exaggeration.

Here are a few of the common symptoms of chemo brain:

Oh, sure, everyone experiences those things from time to time. This takes those normal experiences to the extreme. For me, chemo brain meant I could feel myself becoming dumber by the minute! I’m talking blithering idiot territory.

One of my sons did a great impersonation of me, in which he would start talking and simply trail off in mid sentence. Even I had to admit it was both funny and accurate.

Tips for Fighting Brain Fog

The good news is that chemo brain tends to improve in the months following treatment. In the meantime, there are a few things you can do to help you cope. None of them will end chemo brain, but you might feel as if you’ve flipped a switch and recaptured some lost IQ points.

You can try to:

It  was rough going there for awhile, but, today, me have plenty of words! And me no afeared to use them!